Single Parents

I'm thinking it would just be easier to be a single mom...

Me and my fiance have been fighting really bad for about 3 months. Hes super controlling and doesn't know when to shut his mouth sometimes. when we argue he just keeps going at it, and when i tell him to stop he just says "dont tell me what to do". So childish... I've been talking to my family about him being this way for a couple months, and my dad has offered me to move back home with my lo. I'm just afraid to leave my fiance because I don't know what hes going to do. I'm so afraid hes going to take my son away from me, and not let me see him. But I really feel like going our separate ways is the best thing. He wants to move us an hour away from my friends and family to live closer to his dad... But i have so much more here than he does up there. I almost feel like he wants to get me away from my family so I have no support. I don't know how hard it would be to split, my son is only 5 months old so i feel like i need to be with him everyday. I'm torn and don't know what to do. I can't keep pretending everything is ok anymore, even if it means I get to be with my son all the time.
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