Single Parents

I've screwed up (long)

I'm not a teen, but I was not married to my DS's father.  When I found out I was pregnant, he wanted nothing to do with either of us and even attempted to file a restraining order against me (denied - no cause). 

Anyway, I did as he asked and disappeared.  Totally.  My ex has not seen his son, doesn't know his name or his birthdate.  He pays no child support and I don't want his money.

Fast forward...DS is a year old and I am feeling guilty and scared.  What if he sues me for custody in the future.  Will they hold against me the fact that we've had no contact, even though it was at his request?   Ugh.  We are living a simple and peaceful existance and I really don't want to complicate it with court/visitation/custody but I just don't know what the long term ramifications of that are. 

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