North Carolina Babies

Haircut...should I?

I am secretly dying to cut Holly's hair in a chin length bob. I'm kind of surprised I feel this way, considering how long it took her to get ANY hair! Her hair is fine like mine (boo), and the longer it gets, the more it just kind of looks stringy to me.

We're visiting my aunt this weekend who is a hairdresser. She's doing my hair--cut and some much needed highlights. She's offered to do Holly's too. I'll at least let her trim it. But should I take the plunge for a "real" haircut?

It's just'll grow back, I know. But I know cutting it will get rid of her curls, and I wouldn't be able to put it in pigtails and ponytails (which I only do on weekends anyway since DH gets her ready for school during the week).

I'm overthinking this, aren't I? hehe. WWYD?

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