Single Parents

Wow... It's been like two months...

Well. A lot has happened since I last posted. First, soon to be XDH, wanted to work on it and we were going to talk for a while every night and try weekly dates. Then he went on the vacation that we were supposed to go on together with out son. I let him take our son since it was more for a family thing with his family... Anyway. He didn't call a single time. When he came back he texted me that he wanted a divorce...

 So I was going to wait for him to file since I was against it. That was until I found his car at his "friends" house at 8:30 am on one of the days he had our son. Turns out he stayed the night at her house. He says nothing happened but I really, really doubt that. 

I filed for divorce the first week of June. Been living with the parents for quite a while now. Over two months and it sucks. XDH has been acting so weird. Up until last week he's been an ass. When we would do our hand off, he would just hand me our son and then walk off. No up date, no nothing.

Now, he's being nice. Trying to do what is convenient for me. I am soooooo confused.

Oh well. Do any of you single mom's have any suggestions to make me feel stronger? I'm still really hurt and upset by this.


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