Upstate NY Babies

I'm "kid-less" today

My mom and dad are on their way over to pick up Evan for the whole day. They are taking him to Explore and More, out for lunch and then keeping him overnight.

Even though they watch him overnight at least once a month, it's always because DH and I have plans to go out. This time we don't, so it's going to feel weird! I'll be alone all day for the first time in over 2 years! 

I wish I could say I had some exciting plans... like lunch w/ a girlfriend or a trip to the spa... but I have to hang out at home all day until FedEx shows up w/ our new cell phones, since I have to sign for them. Plus I have lots of cleaning to do since my FIL is coming to stay w/ us. At least it will take me 1/2 the time, since Evan won't be trying to "help"

Later I have to take the car to get inspected, then I plan on getting Starbucks and shopping at Target, alone (which is exciting, no?!) DH and I might go out for a bite to eat tonight at Olive Garden, since we have a gift card to use... but it's so nice out today we might just go someplace w/ a patio for some appetizers and a drink or 2. 

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