Upstate NY Babies

What do you do when LO is up all night?

B was up 1 til 5.  She cried in her room until about 2:30 when I gave in and brought her downstairs hoping to prevent Ty from waking up too.  Failed.  Ty woke up almost exactly when I brought B down.  I thought DH was with him, but he wasn't.  I finally got B back to sleep at 5 then gave in and brought Ty down so he wouldn't wake her.  I feel like there is no good solution.  There has been lots of crankiness in this house this week, and I haven't gotten more than 3-4 hrs of broken sleep in any given night since last week.  My patients are shot and it isn't helping.  What do you do when your toddler/preschooler wakes at night.  My kids have never been sleepers.
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