Upstate NY Babies


Ugh - Evan does not like his OT sessions. Sometimes she shows up with some fun stuff that he likes and sometimes not. Today she had a fishing game which he played with but then he wants to move on and he REFUSES to help clean up the game before he can start the next thing. Like he cries and yells and we basically ignore him until he comes back (she says it's just the typical two year old power struggle) and when he comes back he REFUSES to grab one single fish to put back in the box. Even when we put one in his hand, squeeze his hand and let go so it drops in the box...he cries the whole time. It's awful. He does not do thing with his other's not like he loooooves to clean up. But he tolerates it a lot more. He talks to his OT and tells her stories...but whenever she makes him do something he doesn't want to do it's like WWIII.

He is just SO different when she is here. She obviously makes him do things that we don't...I don't make him pick up toys here. I guess I should start but I just don't think of it when the time is right. She is a lot stricter with him than we are. We consider him pretty well behaved - when we say it's time for bed he runs to the stairs and waits for us. BUT we don't force him to do things, either. Like sit in a shopping cart (although we have been doing more of this now that Leah wants to get out too)...I mean, using that as an example - say your kid wants to get out of the shopping cart and you try everything you can to keep him occupied - which lasts only so long. Do you just belt him in and see if he screams? And just keep him in there if he does? Cause we don't. We let him out.

When she leaves I feel like I'm doing everything wrong.

DH thinks that he's just a little boy that doesn't want to sit for 30 minutes doing educational things. We just don't know what is "normal two and a half year old BOY attention span" and what is a problem we should be really working on a lot more.

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