Upstate NY Babies

Difference a week makes :)

Things have gotten easier....A is sleeping 5-7 hour stretches (in his PNP, instead of on me), nursing less often, but really well and I have gotten more confident with nursing out and about, so we can get out more.  

We just have to now conquer Evan's new behavior of hitting.  We started a 1-2 minute time out, and this seems to be somewhat working.  I am open to any ideas.  We try to tell him No and explain to him that we do not hit people (or the dog) and that it hurts, but he just laughs and gets more ramped up.  I am sure that this is a method of trying to get attention, since it has escalated in the past few weeks.  We each take time each day to do one on one time with him and DH has been taking him out a lot, but it is not the same as when he was the only one.   

imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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