North Carolina Babies

Called the cops today... TWICE (LONG sorry)

So, I had to call the cops today... TWICE on the same guy! 

Let me set the stage:  I live 10+ miles out of town, 3/4 of a mile up a dirt road.  We don't have house numbers on our houses... why? because anyone that is supposed to be out here knows which house belongs to who.  While I am surrounded by my family, my closest neighbor is at least a mile away.

Ok so this man came yesterday while my oldest was home alone.  DS didn't go to the door but he did manage to get the make and color of the car.  He even knew the car had tented windows (go DS).  

This dude came again before lunch today.  He came up my driveway driving at least 30 mph, ran to the door, banged on it, all the while talking to himself, shaking, and dancing around.  (I was watching through the blinds while on the phone with 911 dispatch) I didn't go to the door.  I got a tag number but couldn't tell what state the tag was from, make and model of the car, and a discription of the man. They dispatched a sheriff but again we live so far out in the country that it takes awhile for anyone to get here.  Cop advised us to keep our doors locked and our eyes open.

This dude shows back up at 5:45 tonight.  He comes to my back door. He does exactly the same thing.  This time my mom was here with me, so I went to the door.  I asked him "who are you and what do you want?" I wasn't trying to be rude but this guy really freaked me out.  He dodged all of my questions and started talking about how he had talked to all of the moms in the area and the "kiddies" that are Pandas, Chargers, etc. (these are the names of the mascots of the local schools here) 

At this point I was completely freaked... all I could think was this is the guy with the candy that my parents warned me about.. "Hello little girl would you like some candy?  Come into my creepy basement room with the cameras to get it?" That's exactly how he made me feel! 

He then started asking questions about my childern and if any of my neighbors have children.  I told him to "Get off of my property and do not come back!"  I shut the door and locked it.  I stood for a minute on the inside of the door because he was still talking.  I have no idea what he said but this guy stood there for about 45 seconds after I locked the door.. talking to himself.  He then ran, jumped in his car and drove 30+MPH to get out of my driveway.

I then moved to the front of the house to try and see what state his tags were from. This creep waved at me from his car as he drove away! 

I am totally freaked.  My hubby is a firefighter and is away from home 24 hours at a time.  I spend a lot of time home alone with my children.  The cops are patrolling this area more for the next couple of days and watching for this guy and his car.  I still don't feel safe.  I have never been scared to be home alone.  But all I can think about is someone breaking in and kidnapping my boys! 



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