Upstate NY Babies

Weekend Highs and Lows?

I hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend, I know I did!  It was great to have 3+ uninterrupted days with DD & DH.  We took advantage of our time together and had a ball!  Want to share a high and low (or 2) from the weekend?

Highs: Taking DD to see her first fireworks.  I think she really enjoyed watching them but was unsure about the noise (we were really close to them).  I think next time we'll bring her hearing protection.  BBQ at our friends on Sunday, it was just great to see our friends and hang out.  Going to the horse races yesterday with my Mom, sister and niece...I love watching Stella and my niece play, Stella just adores Natasha, it's adorable!

Lows: DD's diaper rash came back and she cried at most diaper changes and wouldn't sit in the bath on Sunday.  Poor thing.  Also, DH & I are both battling this weird cough/tickle in the throat.  DH is worse than me but it's no fun.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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