Upstate NY Babies

Sick Birthday Girl :(

T came down with a fever out of nowhere Friday other symptoms other than being cranky which we thought was becuase she has been getting molars in...she's been telling us the past week that her mouth hurts. So her fever continued to get higher yesterday, got to be over 104 and we were alternating mortin and tylenol every 3 hours like the Dr. told us to do and even that wasn't bringing it down. It was horrible she was so hot from the fever and she wouldn't drink or eat for us and usually takes medicine with no issue at all and we've had to force it down her this time! It was heart wrenching! I broke down into tears yesterday holding her hot little body in my arms while she tried to sleep and every time she would fall asleep since having these fevers she would jump and thrash in her sleep so bad that it would startle herself and wake her up. She woke up this morning and felt like her fever had gone down or was gone completely but she was still saying her mouth hurt and wouldn't eat or drink...even pop sickles she said hurt. Called the Dr this morning to see what we should do about her party tomorrow. They said they wanted to see her. So I brought her in, it was an aweful apointment I had all I could do to make it through the ckup without bursting into tears myself. Watching her cry and have her mouth forced open is just a horrible thing to see.  Turns out she has 2 big ulsers on her tonsils and they tested her for strep and it was negative and they said the sores didn't look like strep. They said she probably had coxsackie virus which is extremely contagious which they said means no party tomorrow. :(

I'm just so sad that she's so sick for her Birthday and so bummed because I've been telling her all week about her party and she's been all excited. I have the favor bags all made, tons of food made already, and decorations that I made for the party. I really wanted her to have this party and get to play with her's the last b-day that she'll have without having a sibling to steal the thunder from her. I want to try and do it another weekend...maybe even this coming but not sure if it will work out with everyone else's schedules.

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