Upstate NY Babies

Mirena Users

I know quite a few of you have Mirena. Do you like it? I can't go back on the pill b/c I swear it makes me wacky but I've read Mirena is a super low dose of hormones. Anyone go on it while bf'ing or do you have to wait?

Long story short- after falling into a routine with my smiley twins and then seeing my niece I just don't know if I'm ready to make an "major" decisions. UGH. I am so darn flaky. DH never got to go to his appt b/c the referral was never sent from his primary. The primary was already closed for the day when he got to the urologist. He couldn't reschedule until the end of July.  I can't help but feel like it's a sign...

DH swears up and down that he's 100% totally and completely done- no way, no more babies- ever. I plead the 5th.

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