Single Parents

"Standard visitation" schedule (Long)

STBXH is trying to tell me that the "standard" visitation schedule is EOW, one night a week, a week at holidays, and 3 straight weeks during the summer.  He's full of it right?  I have NEVER heard of any sort of basic standard that includes 2-3 weeks straight with the noncustodial parent, especially when LO is so young.

His Proposal:

EOW: Friday night - Sunday evening (he moved 2 hours away from us, so this would cause DS to miss dinner and bedtime Friday night due to being on the road & would completely screw with his eating/sleeping schedule)

4 days at holidays (we would alternate actual holiday dates, but he would have DS for 4 days on the week before/after my holidays to celebrate with his family-if that makes sense)

2 straight weeks next summer and 3 straight weeks every summer after that.

He also said that he plans to work many Saturday mornings (by choice) the weekends he has DS.

May I remind you:

-He is on an alcohol monitoring anklet because he showed up intoxicated to a probation meeting a few weeks after he got the anklet off the previous time

-He does not have a drivers' license, nor will he for the next 5 years

-He has had 17 alcohol related arrests, including 4 DUI's (he's only 27)

-He has moved back into his parents in his home town where no one thinks he has a drinking problem and where everyone will fully enable him to drive illegally and drink.  It's a small, backwoods, redneck town where everyone drinks like fish, including his family.

-I have serious doubts about his ability to stay sober once the anklet comes off (he hasn't proven he can stay sober other than a 6 month stint in 2008), but I don't know how to handle that when it comes to a long distance visitation arrangement.

-DS has not spent an overnight with him since he relapsed last winter.

Thoughts?  I recognize that I'm very overprotective of DS and the "what if's" regarding STBXH faltering again and disappearing from his life, so I want your take on whether his schedule is actually reasonable and I need to relax a little, but also what you would propose given the facts, logistics, and LO's age.

Thanks in advance - your feedback always gives me great things to think about and consider before I make such important decisions for DS.

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