Upstate NY Babies

You know what burns my toast? re: inlaws

DH's aunt and grandmother have watched L since he was 6 months old.  THEY CAME TO US and said they couldn't watch him anymore and it was just too much.  So I searched for a daycare found a great one, so far, it's only been a week, but still.  Liam is comfortable and walks right in with a big smile on his face.  So why am I hearing from other family members that they are just "so sad" and "cry every day"  without Liam around.  Also, they "aren't sure he's getting the best care."  That last statment is what erks me the most.  Basically they are saying that I don't know how to pick out a daycare right?   I want to say something so bad but ofcourse every time someone tells us what they are saying they say, "don't tell them I told you though!"  UGH!!!!  thanks for letting me vent.
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