Upstate NY Babies

Power Wheels

Dh reeeeally wants to get R a Power Wheels for his bday. I don't like it, but I guess it isn't a huge battle I am willing to fight. I would prefer he had a trike that he power on his own.

If you were to get one, what would you get? The smaller ones only go up to 40lbs, he is about 30lbs but pretty tall. I would hate to get him something he will outgrow fast, but don't want something too big either.

I was shooting for a bounce house, but can't find one I love for less than $200 ish.

I think my dad is either doing a trike or a sandbox....going to ask him tonight. I also would hate to have a Power Wheels compete with a trike if gifted on the same day.

Ugh, bigger boys sure do want bigger toys! At least the dads do! 

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