Upstate NY Babies

Now that I fessed up, I need help!

I'm about 9.5 weeks along right now (due 1/25) and my morning sickness is pure hell. I had it with DD, but I honestly don't remember it being this bad. With her, I could do something (lemony things, gingerale, etc) and get relief, but this time nothing is helping. I've done lemon stuff, ginger stuff, sour stuff, bland stuff, Vit B6, bought sea bands today and NOTHING is helping at all. I bought unisom tonight to do the B6/unisom combo and after that, I'm stumped. I've spent easily $25 on relief, but not getting any. And its constant-nausea from the time I get up to the time I go to bed. I think I felt decent for a whole 5min today and thats it. And today I vomitted for the first time too (never did with DD). Any other suggestions??  Its going to be a loooooong few weeks until this hopefully goes away.
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