Upstate NY Babies


I am new to this board, and heard you are a doula that lives in Syracuse. Both of these things are very exciting to me Smile We are going to start TTC in August, so I am thinking of options ahead of time. I had a c-section w/ DS and would love to try for a VBAC for my next. My dr told me he would entertain the thought, but doesn't seem to be incredibly VBAC friendly. My question is, can you recommend any VBAC friendly OB's in the Syracuse area? I have heard horror stories as well of supposed VBAC-friendly doc's being all gung-ho about a patients planned VBAC, and then changing their mind at the last minute. I dread things like this. So I guess I'm looking for a doc with alot of VBAC experience that will actually encourage me to have a VBAC! I don't even know if such a dr exists in our area. I would love your input thought! TIA!
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