Babies: 9 - 12 Months

BF - another weaning ? and day care

Hi ladies - please help.  LO is turning 11 months soon and I'm ready to wean.  I loathe pumping.  Daycare won't give BM in a sippy cup (it's a bodily fluid, if it spills they don't want to clean it, etc).  So - how the heck do I wean her to a cup?  She takes a straw cup just fine.  I originally wanted to put her day care bottles (3 bottles, 5 oz of BM each) in sippies since she doesn't get bottles when at home w/ me.  But since daycare won't give her BM in a sippy - how do I wean her off bottles?  Do I decrease the ounces in the bottles, and increases solids, and give her a little WCM in a sippy?  I'm so confused.

 I'm not sure what my question is. . I'm just confused how to do this.  I know she will transition fine to a sippy cup but she has to take bottles at daycare.  WTH.  Thanks!


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