Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Temper tantrums this early?

So DD has been going through this phase the last 2 weeks. It mostly happens when we put her to bed. However, it used to be I would make her a bottle, change her dipe and put on her PJ's. Then feed her till she is sleepy, give her a bink and put her in bed. She normally would cry for like 2 minutes then be passed out.

Now when she goes to bed I do the same process. However, now she screams the second she notices the crib. Then she screams for 5 minutes. Quiets down, then will go through phases of just screaming and kicking. I know what her cries sound like. If they were honest to goodness cries I would attend to her quickly. However, this is just an attention cry. So I ignore her, for the most part. She will go in and out of sleep while doing it. For every 5-10 minutes of sleep she will have 10 minutes worth of screaming and kicking. I know she wants out to sleep with me (We used to bed share). I won't let her though, it's not safe for her anymore.

Well now she has started doing this when I give her a bottle in her high chair. It seems like whenever she doesn't want something she kicks and screams. I do not tolerate temper tantrums. I used to babysit my little cousins and they used to stuff like this all the time. I just don't want DD to grow up doing this all the time. So I don't cave into her and ignore her for a few minutes and then she is over it. However, she is only 10 months old. Is this normal for her to throw these temper tantrums? 

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