Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Sending toast to daycare??

I'm really struggling with foods to send to daycare for DD. At home, she's starting to eat things we do - she had risotto and ratatouille (sp?) for dinner last night, sometimes tofu, waffles, cheese, etc. But I'm struggling with daycare ideas. They gave me a list, and the idea of sending pancakes, waffles, or toast baffles me.

What do you do, toast them in the morning, cut them up into pieces, and let them sit in the fridge for 4-5 hours at daycare until they are ready for lunch? Would you eat 4-5 hour old toast? Maybe I'm thinking about it too much, or maybe I'm too much of a foodie, but the thought of sending some of these finger foods just seems so odd to me. But then again, I'm not having much luck coming up with my own ideas.

Ideas?? What's your opinion on the toast/waffles?

My Cooking Blog

Avery Corinne - Born 7/9/10 at 37w2d
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