Upstate NY Babies

Do you eat these foods?

I was reading an article in an old Women's Heath magazine about the top super foods women should eat. So I thought I'd share.... for all of us who are trying to get healthy and everyone else too. (we can all benefit from healthy choices!)

So, which do you eat, which are you going to try and add into your diet, and which ones would you not touch?

  1. Yogurt: (low fat or fat free plain) higher in calcium than other dairy product, plus lots of other nutrients, including protein and potassium. Buy plain and add your own fruit and honey to sweeten, to avoid added sugar and chemicals from artificial sweeteners. 
  2. Eggs: nutritious, versatile and high in protein. Also contain 12 vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is good for brain development and memory.
  3. Nuts: heart-healthy fats, high fiber and antioxidant content. Key is portion control, since they are high in calories. They also have many beauty benefits- smoother skin, hair and brighter eyes.
  4. Kiwis: one of the most nutritionally dense fruits... full of antioxidants and vitamins. Also a good source of fiber and potassium.
  5. Quinoa: (pronounced "keen-wa") one of the best whole grains you can eat. High in protein, iron and a good source of iron.
  6. Beans: loaded w/ soluble fiber, which keeps you full and helps rid your body of waste. Good low-fat source of protein. Edamame is especially good because they contain heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
  7. Salmon: high omega-3 fatty acid content, which help protect heart health.
  8. Broccoli: rich source of vitamin A, C and K and plenty of fiber.
  9. Sweet potatoes: the most nutrient rich veggie per pound you can buy. Loaded with vitamin A (beta-carotene) along with vitamin C, calcium and potassium.
  10. Berries: bursting with antioxidants, and low in calories. When in season they are super sweet, and can add lots of flavor without adding sugar. 
  11. Spinach: another powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants. Helps fight inflammation and free radical damage- precursors to fine lines and wrinkles. Also swap other leafy greens such as kale, collard greens and swiss chard.


Eat up, ladies! ;)

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