Babies: 9 - 12 Months

I need SAHM's help!!

I'm a teacher and am off for the summer with my almost one year old.  And... I'm super nervous!!! I went back to work in the fall because staying at home was just not for me - it's way easier to teach a bunch of angry high schoolers than it is to take care of a little one!

So, I need to know...literally, what do you do all day? And I don't mean that in the stupid tone of someone who has never stayed home with a baby! I literally want to know what your schedule looks like and any advice/tips you have for staying sane, not getting bored, not letting baby get bored etc.

I have already on the calendar Babies at the Library one day a week, swimming lessons one day a week and a possible walking date with a girlfriend.  Anything else would be awesome!! 

Thanks Ladies!! 

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