Upstate NY Babies


Hey I posted this on the multiples board, but wanted your opinion as well.

So assuming the girls are healthy after delivery (hopefully they will be since I've had the steroid shots and my c/s is at 38 weeks), I assume that after they are delivered they'll clean them all up and take them to the nursery or wherever to check them out while I'm getting all stitched back up.

After I'm stitched up and brought back to my room, will they bring the babies into my room right away?

The reason I've been thinking about this is because I'm getting paranoid that my MIL and mom will get to hold and bond with the babies before I even do because I'll still be in surgery, and I really don't want that to happen. I want at least 10 minutes after the c-section where it's just me, DH and the babies before the moms come in.

Do you think this is reasonable? 

 Also if you want to give me any more advice/comments/words of wisdom etc. on twins or a c section, I'll take it! LOL! 

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TTC for 1.5 years due to PCOS - we are now blessed with twin girls from the help of IUI & Injects! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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