Upstate NY Babies

DH goes back to work tomorrow :(

It has been so nice having him here 24/7.  With A coming a week early, we had even more time with him home with us which I am grateful for.  He has been able to take E out each day to do something, which has been a big help for all of us.  He has done most of the cooking.  I am thankful that my Mom is coming up at least this week and next to help me out. I definitely learned to ask for the help this time :), I had a very difficult time doing this when E was born.  He works 2 day shifts and 2 night shifts, so he is home with us quite a bit as it is, but it is just nice to have him here all of the time...he has been so helpful.  
imageimage PHOTO Credit: Meryl :)Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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