Upstate NY Babies

TGIF!! Weekend plans?

Happy Friday ladies, I didn't think this week was ever going to end!

Tonight: Prenatal massage after work (!!), grilling pizzas for dinner, then probably working on the laundry and relaxing with DH after DD goes to bed.

Saturday: Out to breakfast, farmer's market, lunch with MIL and a friend of hers that is in town (her friend used to live in our house!).  Possibly taking DD to the zoo depending on how much work DH gets done outside and the weather.

Sunday: DH will be working outside, I'll do some housework inside.  DD & I will go to a baby shower with MIL at 1:00.  In the afternoon we're going to our BFFs house to BBQ and the kids will play (they have 2 sons, 4 and almost 2).

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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