Upstate NY Babies

Back from Sesame Place

Just noticed there are about 2 pages of posts I've!  

We had a great trip!  We stayed in Princeton, NJ.  Loved it there!  And we spent two days at the park.  I was a little nervous the first day that Justin wasn't going to like it.  We saw a show with all the characters when we first arrived and Justin hated it.  However, the next day we went to a character lunch and he warmed up to all of them.  The park is a great size....not too big and not too small.  The kids were a little young to do everything but they still had a great time.  It definitely was not relaxing for my dh and I, as we spent the whole time chasing after the boys (of course).  However, we knew that it would be that kind of trip.  There were several times I wished I would have had a harness for them.  I kept having these horrible thoughts of losing them.  Basically my dh followed one of the boys around and I followed the other.  We rented a double stroller the first day but Dylan would NOT get in it so we either had to chase him around or hold him the whole day.  The next day we brought our umbrella stroller and he was much better in that.  So, I would definitely recommend Sesame Place to anyone.  We realized though that we would not take our boys to a larger park like Disney until they are a lot older.  We don't think it would be worth it to take them at such a young age.  

If anyone is planning a trip there and has any questions let me know!  There are definitely things we would do differently or things we're glad that we did that I could share with you.

Lilypie Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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