North Carolina Babies

Potty Training Regression

So DS had been doing really well with potty training during the day and most days at nap time (still wetting his pullup almost every night) but the past few days or so he's really started to regress and have a bunch of accidents each day...thankfully just pee ones but still. Did anyone else experience this and have something that helps or is this more of a this is a phase and this too shall pass. Right now he's getting a sticker at the end of the day if he keeps his underwear dry and when he gets 10 stickers we told him he could get a ghostbusters tshirt...out of 4 or 5 days thus far hes only got 2 stickers....yet when we've been at the pool he's told me he has to pee and not peed in the pool. I'm so over accidents and I know a lot of kids have regressions with it so i'm hoping u have some advice that helped your kiddo get back on track! And its not that he's afraid or not wanting to go potty but he does act like he's bothered that he has to stop playing to go potty but i remind him that if he just goes potty we will be back to playing quicker cuz when he has an accident we spend more time away from playing cuz we have to go potty and then also get changed.
imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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