Single Parents

It's been almost a year...

Since XH aka Super Douche has seen P.  June 20th will be the one year mark.  I have confirmed that he's actually in rehab, and will be for another month.  My fear is that once out he will try to take me back to court to gain visitation again.

While I realize I am worried about the unknown and should do my best not to stress about what I cannot control, I still do.  I wonder how the courts would view a man who has not seen his child in a year and who has been in and out of jail. 

My worry is that they will see his time in rehab as an effort to better his life and give him another chance.  While I wouldn't be opposed to this, what I AM opposed to is him coming back in, only to mess up again and be gone (as I am sure will happen).  My belief is it's more beneficial for him to be gone completely than an inconsistent father figure.

My position right now is that IF that day comes when I have to go back to court, I will fight him tooth and nail to keep visitation from being reinstated.  I guess I'm wondering if that seems too harsh and I should jump on the "he's gone to rehab and born again and all of that jazz so let's all jump up and down and give him his 1,999th chance" bandwagon.


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