Single Parents

I am so sad for DD

I am sad the Daddy she thinks is king of the world could care less if he even sees her at all.  The daddy she likes to cuddle with every Friday night has now decided he would rather have his entire weekend free than spend a few hours with her and her sister on Friday nights. 

Quick backstory : Currently DB (he officially earned this new name) picks the girls up from daycare each Friday evening.  On the Fridays when it's my weekend, I pick the girls up from him at 8am Saturday morning.  Other weekends he gets to keep them until 5pm on Sunday. 

This past Friday DB told me he couldn't keep them overnight because his sister (he lives in her basement) had some people coming over.  So, I met him at the mall where he played with the girls in the play area for two hours.  When I met him again to pick up the girls, he tells me he is no longer going to see the girls when it's not his weekend.  When he was telling them goodbye, DD1 asked him "Daddy, when do I get to spend the night with you again?"  She is used to getting to cuddle with him every Friday night and it brings me to tears knowing how disappointed she was not being able to spend the night with him and knowing she won't get to as often as she's become accustomed since he wants his weekends free.

DB works the night shift Sun-Thurs nights, so Fridays are the only nights he can keep them overnight.  Otherwise, I'd suggest he gets to have them another weeknight.  Now he's telling me he isn't going to see them at all on the Friday's that aren't his weekend.

I'm not even sure what to say to her about why she doesn't get to spend the night with him every week.  It means so much to her and crushes me that he just doesn't even care about her like she deserves.

Sorry this got so long!

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