January 2012 Moms

Cautiously joining you after 7 yrs of IF

So, after 7 LONG years of TTC(which included several medicated cycles, 7 failed IUI's, and lots of pain and tears), I got my very first ever BFP on Friday!! I am still in total shock. I screamed, cried, laughed, and thanked God on Friday when we stared, in awe, at the 3 very positive HPTs.

AF was due today and hasn't shown up. I've been freaking out thinking that the positive test would be a chemical pregnancy since I tested early, but so far so good b/c I took another test this morning and it's still very positive. I tried to go in to see my RE this morning but he flat out refused to see me since he didn't assist in this pregnancy. I had to find an OBGYN since my RE was also taking care of any GYN concerns I had and it was so frustrating b/c no one would see me sooner than 2-3 weeks from now as a new patient. I called my sister's old OB's office and was close to tears explaining that I was so worried about my progesterone levels mainly b/c I have a history of low progesterone. She scheduled me to come in tomorrow morning for blood work! I just want a little bit of reassurance right now. I'm hoping this baby sticks so that I can hang around and get to know you ladies better :)

Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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