Upstate NY Babies

Formula skimping

At the sheep shearing on Saturday I saw a woman make a bottle of formula for a baby (maybe 7 mos old). They baby had finished a bottle (drop in) and was crying. She (maybe a young Grandma or older mom) made another bottle using the same insert.
She poured in 6 oz of water but only used 2 scoops of formula. They were very close so I could see it was 6 oz and the formula scoop was your typical 2 oz scoop. Even the 2 scoops she used were not level, they were under filled.
This make me sad and I judged. There is no reason to do this, right? Or am I mistaken and it is more common than I think?
I can't imagine not being smart enough to read the directions or being poor enough (and not on WIC) that I can't feed my child what they need.
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