Upstate NY Babies

I am calling early intervention :(

I really didn't want to have to.  I really wanted the language explosion to come but Ethan still isn't talking as much as he should be.  At 2 years old he should say 50 words.  Dh and I counted a few weeks ago and it was around 26.  The only sentence he says is I want that.  He doesn't even try.  His words are strange.  For Chuggington he says dodo, more is lo lo.  cars is mmmmmm.  He is very smart and knows stuff he just won't say things. He knows all animals but won't say the name just the sound that the animal makes. He will point to all the colors and can identify them correctly, and knows all of his body parts and meets the physical  milestones for his age.  I just don't understand why he won't try.  It is so frustrating.  DH wanted to wait until May, his dr doesn't think there is a problem at all.  She told me he won't qualify for services since he isn't severely delayed in 1 area or moderately delayed in 2 areas. I just don't see the point in waiting.  I feel like he isn't saying any more words than he did 2 months ago.

Would you still call even if you dr told you not to worry? I figure if nothing else I will get peace of mind.  Our dr spends 15-20 minutes with him every 6 months so she doesn't see it.  So hopefully we will get somewhere

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