Upstate NY Babies

Mother's Day for YOU

What things have you gotten in the past that you loved?  Anything you would like this yr?



It was actually a bday gift, but would be good for mothers day too.  Looks like the price went up a bit though.  fingerprint necklace

Also last yr my parents took dd to Penneys one day while they were watching her.  Completely surprised me with some photos of the 3 of them and some by herself.  I love them, love that they surprised me with it, and love that she will have these pictures as she gets older.  My dad had had his heart attack about 3 months before that, so it just really touched me.


This yr I have a left over gift certificate to clix from when they messed something up.  So I told DH that what I want for mothers day is to take dd there and get pics of him and her.  He wouldn't have to spend anything.  Just 1 is all I need, he can do all the other poses just her if he wants.  I even told him I would go with him if it would make it easier.  But I want a nice pic of them together.  He refused, but I am still holding out hope that he will.  He hates his pic taken though.

Or if he wants to do a little craft with her, I would like that too!

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