Pregnant after IF

on bedrest :(

I woke up this morning to red blood and called my OB's office.  She had me come in immediately and they did an ultrasound.  The babies are both doing well.  I actually go to hear their heartbeats for the first time!  My cervix is closed and looked good, but the OB did find a small subchorionic hematoma.  She put me on bedrest until next Saturday when I go back in for a repeat ultrasound.  I'm bummed about having to be on bedrest, but very much want the best for the babies.  If anyone else has had a SCH and has any positive stories--they would be much appreciated!
TTC #1 since 4/09
2/21/11: IVF #1 Begins and results in TWINS!
11/4/11: The twins are born at 36w4d!
11/5/11: We said goodbye to our sweet baby girl as she was born with multiple complications and a severe heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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