Pregnant after IF

Middle name help

Hey y'all :)  DH and I are naming our son Holden, but are having a heck of a time coming up with a middle name we both like.  We've been going back and forth for what seems like forever, so I thought I'd get some input from you all.  Some background info-our last name is 3 syllables and begins with a G, we like names that aren't super popular but not completely "out there", and DH is a southern boy (plus we live in the south) so those sounding names appeal to us.  For example, our girl name would have been Hailey Rae.  Anyway, here are our choices so far:

Holden Sawyer

Holden Caleb

I go back and forth with Caleb because sometimes it sounds cutesy to me, and Sawyer definitely sounds more southern. I don't know! :)

TTC #1 since 7/08 After 3 years, 2 losses, 3 rounds of IUI, and one round of IVF, we finally have our dream come true! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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