Pregnant after IF

crazy dog or other pets?

This is a little random...I was wondering if anyone's dog or cat (or other pet) got a little crazy or started acting out when you became pregnant.  We have an anxious dog to begin with, but lately, he's been overly anxious and destructive to his things.  He lived with a couple before us and when he was with them the woman was pregnant and she doesn't remember him acting this way.  I'm just worried he's going to hurt himself.  Just curious if anyone else had any issues with their pets!


TTC #1 since 4/09
2/21/11: IVF #1 Begins and results in TWINS!
11/4/11: The twins are born at 36w4d!
11/5/11: We said goodbye to our sweet baby girl as she was born with multiple complications and a severe heart defect, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome.
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