Pregnant after IF

It's 1030am, I've been pushed over the edge and am ready to

volunteer to go on maternity leave right this instant.  Ugh one of the people I'm training to fill in while I am out has decided that she now knows everything.  She started a data clean up project with one of my trouble users, but didn't talk to me first.  Well it turns out that after talking to the user she is only having her fix things part way, she thinks it's all the way.  I know that the reason she is doing this is she *thinks* that she knows what she is talking about, the problem is that she missed a huge part of how to clean this data up because I haven't shown her how I program some things yet.  So now they are halfway done with this project that I am going to have to go in and fix when they are done because it isn't going to accomplish what they think it will.  It's a huge waste of everyone's time to do it the way they are doing it because of the items they are missing.  I could make them manually go fix it all after the fact and really I should because it would teach a good lesson, but since I can program a script to automatically fix it after the fact I know my boss won't let me do that. 

Sorry for the vent, I am so frustrated by this coworker because she keeps telling me how easy my job is and how she will have no problem doing it and her job while I'm out.  I don't have the heart to tell her that we are only training her on the part of my job that she has the skill set to do, which is everything I've automated over the years and basically just needs a person to oversee it, and that I am training other senior staff with a higher skill set to do the rest of my work.

Ok I'm off to try and finish some stuff up and clean up messes now....can you feel my excitement?  LOL!

TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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