Pregnant after IF

Just some thoughts...

I just wanted to share some thoughts I've had....

It was a long process for me to get pregnant.  A somewhat hard road (not as hard as some), and a heartbreaking road.  It was a road that drove me closer to my DH, but also there were times when I didn't know if we would make it.  We were saved because of communication and love.

Once we got pregnant, I was so worried that something would happen.  That I didnt deserve this miracle that was growing inside of me, or that it took us so long, that it would disappear in a second.  I was so worried for 38 weeks and there were moments that I forgot to enjoy what was happening.  I know how hard it is to not worry, to stress out before those u/s's and b/w.  To feel every cramp, and see blood and to think that this could be it.  What I want to say is enjoy those moments, 95% of the time they are good signs...things are going the right way.  I miss being pregnant.  I miss feeling her inside of me, and her just being mine and no one elses.  Now I have to share her, when all I want to do is cuddle up with her and stare at her as she makes all those wonderful noises and sounds.  Please don't get me wrong, I'm so happy and excited she's here.  I can't wait to watch her grow and see what she becomes.  She amazes me every time I look at her. 

So take a moment each day to love your bump, because it goes by too fast and all of the sudden, s/he is here.

Not a sermon....just a thought (if you live in the DC area I hope you get's a commercial :)  )


Diagnosis - MIF - FUIF!
#1 12R, 7M, 5F - 2- 3dt BFN - 1 totsicle became our DD.
TTC#2 since 1/12
IVF #2 - 10R, 6M, 5F - 1 5dt of a morula= BFN none to freeze.
IVF #3 (blegh) Long Lupron Protocol
ER 8/23 12R, 7M, 2F - 2 beautiful 3d 8/26
+HPT 9/3 beta #1 9/10= 78.5 #2 9/12 = 136 #3 9/14 319 #4 9/17 890 #5 9/21 2119
Little B is where he needs to be. HB 9/24. no HB 10/3. Missed m/c @ 8w. D&C 10/5 :(
IVF #4 - Antagonist Protocol
ER - 17R, 14M, 9F - 1 beautiful blast 12/13 (Our anniversary), 3 more FROZEN!! WOO HOO!
+HPT 12/17 beta #1 12/27 = 1654 (um hells to the yeah), beta #2 12/31 = 6994, 1st u/s= 1/8 (fingers firmly crossed) = HB 125. You rock little one.
Please, Please Stick. Mommy, Daddy and Big Sis love you so much.
BabyFruit Ticker
Our Totsicle is getting so big!
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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