Upstate NY Babies

NBR: I was followed on the highway on Friday (long)

I was on my way home from work on Friday and of course there was a lot of traffic.  I was coming to this awful section where 2 major highways merge together (Rt. 17 & 81...Kamikaze Curve for the Binghamton folks).  I was on 17 and the 2 lanes turn into "Exit Only" lanes so everyone has to merge left onto 81.  I merged 1 lane and the car in front of me decided that he wanted to be in my lane, too.  I was going to hit him so I put on my blinker and quickly merged into the left hand lane, completely not seeing the Trailblazer that was there until I heard the horn. 

I was shaken b/c I really didn't see the car.  I tried to slow down a little so she would pass me so I could give a little "I'm sorry" look or gesture but she kept right behind me, following every lane change I made.  This went on for about 3-4 miles until I got off on my exit.  She followed me off the exit, too so I drove right to the State Trooper barracks and pulled in the parking lot.  She pulled in 2 spots away from me.  I rolled my window down and asked if she was following me and she said "You almost hit me".  I told her I knew I did and I was very sorry, I didn't see her and it was either switch lanes or hit the car in front of me.  She complained about her cell phone hitting the dashboard or something and I apologized again.

It was really scary.  I think she was a little nervous that I pulled into the police station but that's a major perk about my exit =)  And thank goodness DD wasn't with me.  I was still shaken up when I got home and told DH about it.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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