Upstate NY Babies

weekly menus

not entirely sure what we are having this week... I'm not feeling so great, and I haven't even looked at the adds/coupons yet. But this is what I'm thinking so far:

M: I'll probably have soup if anything, and make Evan some pasta w/ veggies, DH works late

T: going to my parents

W: pork tenderloin, baked sweet potatoes and veggie

Th: shrimp stir fry over veggie fried rice

F: homemade pizza w/ chicken, goat cheese and caramelized onions

Sat: something on the grill hopefully

Sun: huge brunch for Easter (ham, polish sausage, egg bake, cinnamon rolls, fruit salad etc), so we probably won't eat dinner... just pick at leftovers if anyone is hungry. 


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