Upstate NY Babies

I hate today

MIL called me this morning and told me that she wasn't feeling well and could I take Stella to day care.  Shouldn't be a problem but the director doesn't come in until 8:30 and she has to make the decision.  I have to be at work at 7:30.  Luckily I have an understanding boss and can flex my time here and there.  So I get the call that I can bring her in.  When I leave she is just balling.  She had her shots yesterday and she was just plain tired.  My hormonal self starts crying too and leave pretty quickly so no one will notice.  (I was sort of hoping they wouldn't let me bring her in so I could stay home ;)

It's pouring.  And damp.  And cold. 

I think I'm getting yet another chest cold. 

I slept weird and now the right side of my neck is stiff and hurts when I move.

People at work are driving me up the wall!

I want a redo.  Can I go back to bed and start all over?  =(

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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