Upstate NY Babies

Not the 9 month well-baby I was expecting...

So Molly has had a cold the past week and a half.but the past day or so I felt like she was getting a lot better. Well I was completely surprised at her appt this morning when the dr says she has bronchiolitis and an ear infection. I felt so bad! If we hadn't had a scheduled appt I wouldn't have even brought her in. She has had no fever and has been her usually happy self other than being a bit clingy. We had to stay for a nebulizer treatment, along with her flu booster, and then got sent home with a nebulizer and two prescriptions. Along with a prescription for an antibiotic ointment for Chelsea's stye. What a morning!

Other than that, Molly was 29 and 1/3 inches (off chart), 17 and 1/2 lbs (about 50th %ile), and meeting all her milestones!

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