Upstate NY Babies

Thanks, Dr! - put PIP in OP

Last weekend, while sorting through and putting away lots of baby girl clothes we were given, DH joked that the baby will actually come out a boy.  Since then, it's all I can think about.  Some nice girls on my birth month board reassured me it was a girl, and I was feeling much better.  Then this morning, I go in for my check up and we were talking about the u/s (since I didn't see the doctor afterward) and DH asks, "It's still a girl, right?"  Doctor says, "Looks that way!  But, we have been wrong before.  It's rare, but it happens, and it's always a little girl that turns out to be a boy.  I've delivered one of those before."  Thanks so much!  Now I'm back to worrying.  The thing is that we're selling all our boy clothes in the consignment sale and garage sale in 2 weeks.  Now I'm wondering if I should go to an elective u/s just for some reassurance.  But, is going for one at 24 weeks silly?  I know it's best to wait until around 30 weeks.  '

Here's the shot -


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