Upstate NY Babies

5 months old!(PIPs added)

I can't believe my little peanut is 5 months old. We isn't even STTN, and I have a tiny bit of baby fever. . .I think it is due to the astronomical amount of friends and family who are due between June and November this year! Granted, we are not TTCing due to my job situation and having a c-section 5 months ago(I still have some pain that I thought would be gone by now. .. I can't imagine going through another pregnancy right now with that!).

Oh, and there is nothing little about Michael. He is wearing a 12 month onesie right now, and most of his clothes are 9 months plus. On Monday, we have a Pedi GI appointment, so we'll get his stats then. I bet he's close to 20 pounds and 27 inches.


Here he is the day after he was born:


And here he is today(literally taken 10 minutes ago).


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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