Upstate NY Babies

Super sad. (PG moms might not want to read)

So the other board I belong to is a private board but it is an offshoot of the bump's Parenting after Loss board.. so we all have had at least one m/c.. and at least one healthy baby. Many of us are now on our 2nd kiddos after our losses.

One of the girls from there was due this week.. she was 40w3d yesterday. Had been having contractions for awhile.. but not going into labor. She ended up going to L&D yesterday evening because she hadn't felt the baby move in awhile (I guess it was just a few hours). She got there and her baby no longer had a heartbeat. She was induced late last night and gave birth to him late this morning. It is horribly heartbreaking. I don't think we know a cause yet.. She knew before he was born that he had a semi-bad cleft lip/palette... so there could have been other genetic problems.. but she didn't know of any.. so it was likely just a fluke..

It is just SO sad. I am so sad for her and I can't even imagine.. And of course it has my anxiety about something happening to Natalie thru the roof. I wish she would just move constantly because if I don't feel her for even like 20 minutes I get panicky, even though my Dr told me at my last appt not even a week ago that I'm still too early to feel consistent movement even hourly..

Melissa & Jeff 5-27-06
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
baby growth
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