Upstate NY Babies

What to do with a budding potty mouth?

So I knew this day was coming because DH is constantly saying "oh sh*t" when he drops general he seems to use the word sh*t a lot. I've been telling him now for a while that he needs to stop and be really careful of the words he uses becasue T hears and soaks up everything now. Well sure enough my sweet 20 month old daughter now says "oh sh*t" everything something falls or she drops something...or she'll just say sh*t.

What do we do about this. I've been just ignoring it for now. DH thinks is funny, so he's no help. I don't know how to stop it. Do I try and get her to say shoot or shucks instead because it will sound similar to her? She probably won't understand if I tell her that it's a bad word and we can't use it. Any advice?

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