Single Parents

What I learned in mediation

I learned:

That as long as STBXH doesn't practically leave B on the side of the highway, that in the courts eyes, he's suitable to care for B - physical care is really all that matters. The court doesn't consider much of the emotional, psychological effects the the child psychologists talked about.  As long as he can change diapers, give bottles, and play, he's good to go.

Even though STBXH is a bipolar alcoholic with a track record as long as my arm, including reeking of alcohol when he picked up B from daycare, that the courts don't care about that and the mediator (a retired judge) said supervised visits wouldn't be granted.

The no overnights for breastfed infants rule of thumb doesn't apply.  The only reason STBXH doesn't get overnights is because I fought tooth and nail to prevent it.

And I learned STBXH and OW have moved in together.  Lovely....


imageimage. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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