Single Parents

did something dumb? advice pls!

Please no flames. So bF and I broke up 2 weeks ago and I moved out of our home- been living together for 5 years. Were together 9 years & our daughter is 5 months old. I've had such a hard time with this. He's the only man I've ever been with, moved out of parents house to his. He has been my only support person for 9 years really. So today went to his house to pick things up & talk ?well we ended up sleeping together. I know it was dumbstupid all that. I know I shouldn't have but at the time it felt so comfortable again. For that time e I felt ok again. I didn't have to think about how he hurt me or how my life is lonely & a mess. Now I don't know what to do- act like it never happened, talk about it, ? I just don't know. Anyone else Evere made this mistake? How did you move on- did it make things better or worse between you & ex? Thanks. I just feel so confused.
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