Upstate NY Babies

Need to vent (long)

Ok, I'll start from the beginning. Last Tues I took a pg test because AF was suppose to come that Wed. AF is like clockwork every 28 days it comes. The test was negative. I was sad, but still hopeful I used an IC. I made peace with it and was ok. Well, Wed. comes no AF Thur morning came no AF. This is not normal for me at all. DH and I start getting a little excited. I have never skipped or missed a period in my life. Well late Thus AF comes. I'm very disappointed. Thurs was DH b-day too.

So I get home from work and get DH cake together so we can go to my parents house. Its also my brother b-day. Im eating gummy candy chewing fast and scrap my back top tooth with my bottom. I see I chipped it a little and freak. Let me explain why Im so anal with my teeth.

About 10 years ago I went to a new dentist and she did fillings on my teeth that didn't need to be filled and did them wrong. Parents had to sue the whole nine yards. Had to go to another dentist and he had to fix everything she did over time. It was nuts, and don't wish this on anyone. I'm traumatized with everything. I take super care of my teeth.

So the next day, I called my dentist, explained what happened (I had a cleaning app. today) he wasn't worried, said to keep it cleaned etc. Problem was he was away on a continuing education training, wont be back for a week. So that afternoon I was brushing my teeth & flossing my teeth and a filling came out. It was the tooth next to the one I chipped. Now I'm really freaking. Not sure how I made it through the weekend.Making myself sick over this.

Had my app. today and the hygienist said I will need a crown. The filling was really old (one that the bad dr did) and the hole is too big now to be refilled. Then she wasn't sure what the dentist wanted to do with the chipped tooth. Mentioned a crown not sure why, it isn't bad at all. Then she said he will probably just need to file it it. That better be the case. The other hygienist couldn't really see the chip that well. When they were taking pictures to show the dentist. I'm so upset, angry and sad. I know it could be a lot worse, or something major. But lately with me its one thing after another. This is one more thing I have to do and worry about.

I go Monday (thank god) so that the dentist can look at it and put a temporary in. Have no idea what this is going to cost me. That's the other, my dental isn't that great.I really love my dentist and trust them so that's a plus I guess.

But a couple of my friends and coworker calmed me down this morning. Many of them have had crowns and made me feel better.  If you got this far thanks! Sorry its so long.

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