Single Parents

Crap. If this is true, how does this affect me??

When H got fired in November, somehow he ended up being able to collect unemployment.  I got CS.  He started a new job the end of Jan, beginning of Feb sometime.

I had surgery last Tuesday so I wasn't up and around to go to my parents or school to check my bank account.  I just checked today and there was a deposit made again on 3/7 from unemployment.  There was 3 made while he was working, but he said that some were behind and he was owed them.

I haven't talked to him in a bit, but is it possible that he's collecting and getting a regular paycheck?  I would figure that the u/e would have stopped by now.  The money came from a u/e check the end of Feb.

I don't want to be owing back money if this is all wrong.  We have a CS modification hearing on Monday so I'm guessing they would know this right?

Diagnosed with PCOS June 2004 Abby born 2/2007 and Ally 3/2009 imagehttp://Life In
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